Mission statement

Welcome to 4orever U, a small business that was born in the vibrant year of 2021 by Joseph delong .  my partner and i are a passionate team of entrepreneurs who are committed to making a difference in your life, offering quality products and services that will last "4orever." At 4orever U, our mission is to empower individuals and spread positivity through our uniquely designed t-shirts. With the wearer in mind, we craft each shirt with affirmations and positive words that are artfully written backwards, providing a transformative experience when seen in the mirror.
Our overarching goal is to help as many people as possible enhance their self-esteem and recognize their worth in this vast world. We firmly believe that everyone deserves to feel good about themselves, and we strive to be a catalyst for self-acceptance and personal growth.
Moreover, we are committed to making a positive impact beyond the realm of fashion. As a socially responsible company, we donate a portion of our earnings to different charities every month. By doing so, we aim to address various societal challenges and contribute to causes such as providing affordable housing and improving access to quality education.
In everything we do, we foster the belief that everyone, regardless of their circumstances, deserves equal opportunities. We actively support and encourage personal development, emphasizing the importance of being your own hero. Together, we envision a world where individuals are confident, self-assured, and empowered to create a brighter future for themselves and others.
Join us on our journey of spreading positivity and making a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals across the globe. With 4orever U, together we can redefine self-worth and inspire lasting change.

Hello, my name is Joseph Delong and I am the proud owner of 4orever U. I created this company with the intention to inspire and uplift those in my community and the world. My ultimate goal in life is to empower individuals and help them reshape their beliefs about themselves, as I strongly believe that our beliefs shape our reality.